Some Key Thing That You Must Know When Considering Laser Hair Removal

Options for Hair removal like waxing and shaving are chosen by a good number of people. However, they just offer short-term hair-free skin. On the hair growing back, one must go over to the salon again and spend quite an amount each fortnight. Nevertheless, people who’re fed up with waxing /shaving have begun considering other hair removal techniques.

Talking about an everlasting solution for hair removal, laser treatment’s the finest option. Over the last small number of years, laser therapy for hair removal has turned quite trendy across India. Ahead of taking the plunge and deciding to have laser hair removal in Delhi done at a specialized clinic, there’re several things that one must be aware of.

Hair and Skin Color

With this sort of hair removal, one has no need to go over to the salon weekly. Laser therapies must be done once in twice yearly and the lucky ones may not necessitate the treatment following some sittings. When one is thinking of laser treatment, the couple of most vital things to think about is skin and hair color. For those with light skin and hair of dark color, laser treatment is certainly the most excellent option for lasting hair removal. Those with somewhat light colored skin and shadier hair find this kind of treatment to be effective as it’s rather easy for lasers to perceive the hair follicles with darker color when compared with the skin color. Thus, this treatment is extremely effective. All those who’re seeking a reputable clinic presenting surplus laser hair removal in Delhi must verify if the laser clinic has the correct capabilities and gear for treating somebody with dark-colored skin also. Not every laser clinic will have the correct expertise and equipment for treating patients having dark skin/ light colored hair. This sort of a treatment has need of much sophistication.


Another thing to be noted is that laser hair removal in Delhi is going to be pricier than usual treatments. Thus, you must also think about the cost factor ahead selecting the treatment.

Whether its picking laser hair/wrinkle removal in Delhi, one must know that the results won’t appear in a single sitting. In a good number of cases, several sessions are essential. If you fancy nothing other than the finest, you require being sufficiently patient and go for several sessions for getting the finest and desired results.

Ahead of starting the treatment at a laser hair removal clinic, you must first check with the laser specialist on the estimated number of sessions required for you. This simplifies the planning for your finances.

Removal of Unwanted Hair – Solution Found in Laser Treatment

All of us want to be healthy and look beautiful. For this purpose we as women indulge into a lot of things. The laser hair removal is one such aspect that every woman fantasizes about. This treatment removes the unwanted hair which would otherwise look awkward on you.

Most of the unwanted hair is found on the face. A choice of hair removal through laser treatment would solve the issue.


First and foremost before the laser treatment is resorted to for the above said reason, one should know whom to contact. You should always get in touch with the dermatologist with immense experience in the field of the laser hair removal treatment. This is because, if at all you visit a person with no much experience, it would cost the beauty of your face. You might end up having your face with the marks that would appear there permanently due to the inexperienced handling of the source of treatment.

There should be two to three sessions that the person has to undergo to get the complete hair removal done. It is not a guarantee for the permanent solution of hair removal. However, you can be rest assured that if you get the same done from the skilled dermatologist, the effect would be precise. In other words he should know how to use the laser material skilfully.


The things that you have to take care before the treatment is undertaken are:

No to sunbathing – Sunbathing should not be done before the treatment as it would lead to an unsuccessful result of the treatment.

Do not intake drugs without the knowledge of the dermatologist who is doing the treatment as they would let you know if you could to take the drug or not.

Some of the side effects of a not very good laser hair removal procedure are causing blisters, pigmentation or even scars. Hence, beware of inexperienced dermatologists.

The function of the laser machine:

The laser machine is the one that penetrates into the hair including the tiniest part of the hair and gets it out with much ease through the beam that hits the area of the hair. If the case is relating to a small area like the lower lip or the facial hair, the same would not take much time and would be done in some minutes.

There would be a prescribed gel applied on the area where the laser treatment is done. Once the same is applied, the gel is let to rest on the skin and make it unconscious. Once the skin goes unconscious the procedure of the laser treatment is started. There would be no pain or movement felt by the patient during the process.

The procedure once completed would emit a kind of smoke which would smell like sulphur. Sometimes the treatment may go on for more than an hour depending on the area of the treatment.

Effects of the laser treatment on the skin:

Once the treatment is done, you will be asked to do some dos and don’ts. A major thing that is recommended is no sunlight has to be allowed to get in contact with the skin. This will reduce the effect of the treatment. Above all, you should do what your dermatologists advice you. Tanning sources should not be used in order to avoid side effects. It could lead to less effectiveness of the procedure followed.

The bearable effects of the procedure would be seen on the skin. There would be a sort of burning sensation felt in the skin; however, it would be gone in some days.

After the treatment, even though there is redness on the area of the treatment, you could cure the same through the usage of the solution prescribed by the dermatologist in Delhi. Also, one of the ‘after treatment caring elements’ would be not to go out if it is a sunny day at least for six to eight days. This way you can keep the skin protected from the hard UV rays of the sun which would otherwise affect the skin and create major side effects.

On the whole, looking beautiful is very easy if the above said steps are followed.